Inspection Quotes

Inspection quotes

Inspection is a snapshot, the balance sheet! The comments from inspectors are telling. We have chosen a selection to share with you on teaching alone.

The quality and breadth of the curriculum is excellent.
Pupils’ educational experiences are expanded and enriched by a large variety of organised visits and visitors.
Teaching throughout the school is highly effective in promoting pupils’ excellent progress and achievement.
Teachers exhibit very strong subject knowledge.
Teachers’ enthusiasm for their subject is evident and inspires the pupils to learn.
Excellent examples of investigative work were seen.
The quality of governance is excellent.

The latest full report has many more

Download our 2023 Focused Compliance & Educational Quality Inspection ReportDownload our 2018 Quality of Education inspection reportDownload our 2014 Compliance inspection report

Our Governors are an advisory body. We are fortunate to have many professions and skills on the board. The support and advice we are given helps us in our accountability and in our decision making.

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