School Admissions

  • You will find below comprehensive details on our school admissions process
  • For families with more than 1 child our sibling discounts are generous ranging from 15% to 50%
  • For Prep children the option of an 8am start and a 6.00pm finish is included in the fees
  • Visits to see the school can be booked at any time
  • We are open 46 weeks of the year from 7.30am to 6.30pm

Prospectus & Information

If you are interested in registering your child for a place at MKPS, whether the School or the Nursery, the first step of the school admissions process would be to request a prospectus and/or arrange to come and visit our school.

You can contact us online, by telephone on +44 (0)1908 642111 or via email to [email protected]. Our Admissions Team will be happy to talk to you about visits, registration details and requirements for admission.


Our current fees information for 2024/2025 entry can be found here.

In addition, our Bursar is available from Monday-Friday to discuss fees matters including advice about school fees planning, Nursery Education Grant funding, and Corporate Childcare Voucher schemes.

The Bursar can be contacted directly at 01908 015582.

Entrance Assessments

There are Entrance Assessments for pupils currently in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 wishing to enter the school. Please contact us for further details.


We offer a scholarship programme in STEM, Sport, Art, Music and Academic subjects for pupils entering Year 3 and above. Any award and continued award offered requires sustained achievement and good conduct. Please contact us if you are interested in applying for a scholarship for your child.


Our bursaries are offered to children in Year 3 (age 7/8 years) and above.  Bursaries are means-tested and are granted with an annual review to establish continued need. Applicants must complete a detailed application and provide supporting evidence for review.

Please contact us if you are interested in applying for a bursary.


Parents are pleased with the education and support provided for their children.
All staff, including the highly motivated administrative and pastoral staff, nurture a positive approach to learning in a supportive, friendly community

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MKPS Our Aims

MKPS Registration Forms