At Milton Keynes Preparatory School we take pride in providing an all-round education for our pupils. We give all the children in the Preparatory Department the chance to stay away from home, some for the first time, on a fun filled and exciting adventure holiday. All of our residential trips are thoroughly risk assessed and run by properly trained and experienced staff, so you can be sure that the children will enjoy every moment.
Each year, children in Years 3-6 (Classes 8-11) are invited to take part in activity based holidays run separately from the school curriculum. These trips are usually optional and are charged separately from school fees.
You can find news and information for residential trips here.
Ski Trip
At Milton Keynes Preparatory School we offer the children the opportunity to go on an annual ski trip during the spring term. Spending a week in the mountains is an exhilarating experience for any child; not only do they learn how to ski but also how to become independent people.
A trip like this serves so many purposes, for example, the children practise their language skills in local shops and get to sample traditional foods from the region. It is these episodes outside the normal curriculum that help children to develop into well rounded individuals.